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Sunday, March 18, 2012Y
Jesus Loves Me

I've got something to tell the world
but I don't know where to start

I am a Christian. I wish my mom would approve.
Another few more days, I would be turning 2, spiritually.
Thank you God, for letting me know you.

It has been a on-off 2 years for me.
Though, sometimes, for a period of times, I would be far from God
He waits for me so patiently to go back to Him.
Though, sometimes, I am so caught up with my busy schedule
He would help me out whenever I ask and be there for me.
Though, sometimes, I could not do what he wants me to do, and commit to sinful things
He forgives me and loves me for who I am.

Those who never knew who God is, you'll probably never understand the greatness of Him.
Because it is really a personal experience, a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

And through these 2 years, I have learnt so much about God.

My God is loving, he created us in his image and gave his one and only for our sins and bridge us towards his kingdom.

My God is patient, before I accepted Christ into my life, there is countless number of outreach he gave me that I rejected. some not very politely too.

My God is a gentleman, He do not force us to do His will, but he gave us a choice.

My God is understanding, He knows me best. Whatever I go though, He understands. Whatever my concerns are, He knows. And whatever I cares for, He cares too.

My God is a giver, whatever I have is from Him. True that we would say that the allowance my parents give me is earned from their hard work, but whatever my parents have comes from God too. And certain things that cannot be explained in human terms, it is all God's grace that he give.
Coincidence is God's way of being anonymous.

My God is merciful, Although whatever we do, we do not deserve. Even flowers, He clothe them with beautiful petals, and even birds, He feed them so that they do not worry about food. What's more does He have in store for us who He created in His image!!

My God provides, whatever I am in lacking, He provides. And that includes strength, joy, energy, inspiration, etc..

My God is perfect, He is sinless. Although Jesus when through testings and temptation when He is on Earth, He did not give in. He, like all humans, would go through pain, joy and tears. But He choose to life a sinless life.

There are just so much goodness about God.

But the thing is, God is really a gentleman. You would have to seek Him first personally, then He would reveal Himself to you.
It is okay to seek Him with a testing heart. Because whatever test it may be, God owns them all... =]

I Love you God.

12:19 AM Photobucket
Wednesday, July 20, 2011Y

Don't pray that there won't be troubles,
but rejoice when problems arise.
For you will rely more on God and you will become closer to Him.
For you will not take Him for granted
and He will bless you more as you spend more time with Him.

Praise the Lord!!
for He is great and He is the greatest.
And all will be right in the end as The Greatest is with me.

9:11 PM Photobucket
Monday, July 18, 2011Y

Dear God, what should I do now?

8:31 AM Photobucket
Thursday, June 16, 2011Y

today is a great day ^^
although i was late and really didnt have the energy to go out at all
god gave me a push and provided me with all the energy i need
god is good!!!!

this morning i, like always, got stuck in bed
very lazy and tired to go out... only had 3 or 4 hours of sleep.
but after telling god how much i dun want to go, he still made me do it
haha.. and it was raining the night before so i was praying it will contiune to rain so that we have to cancel the trip = =
but i am very glad that god did what he did =]

although i was late, we carried on with the planning for our camp
we walked around sentosa for a few hours abd discussed a lot
if it was me before i met god, i'll probably be in a very bad temper..
after 7 hours of planning the camp, i still need to go the church.
there was a movie screening =]
my friend went wif me.. thank god for him too..

even after doin so much, i didnt even eat lunch or dinner but my body is fine
thank god
i'll say that today is like a miracle day =]

after the movie, we stayed to play with my lifegroup people a little longer
and on my way back home, the sky was really pretty
the sky is very clear and if you block out the streetlights,
you'll be able to see the smallest stars =]
really beautiful!!!
it is as if god is saying that he can see me very clearly without any clouds in the way =]

i'm praying for more days like today..^^ what a wonderful day
i hope everyone else have a great day too...

at the end of the day as you bath and wash off the dirt you acculmuated,
yes it sounds dirty, but it is a very nice feeling...
and you'll tell yourself that you had lived your life fully today =]

10:28 AM Photobucket
Sunday, May 29, 2011Y
kids problem

I like kids.... to the extend that I can be considered as a pedophile.
They are so cute and still not corrupted.

When you think of children, it always linked to innocence.
They are still very young, and you'll think they might still be ignorant.
However, that is not a good enough reason to let them go with everything they have done...

I'm not talking about eating up all the cookies then getting sick or crying to convince you in getting a new toy for them in public.
In my opinion, the worst thing that children can do (without knowing what they are really doing) is ganging up against one of them.

I know this bunch of kids. They are still young now, ranging from 4 to 7 years old.
10 years down the road, they probably will not be able to remember what they did so long ago.
But there will be scars.
It happened to me before when I was really young.
Actually I don't even remember it till I have seen it re-enact before me.

This ganging up, because I know, I see it as bullying.
There will always be a leader. One who will tell others to ignore the presence of the bullied.
One who will say nasty comments and intentionally hurt the other party.
The only positive thing about is that you will be able to identify a potential bully in the future and stop it before it becomes too bad and go overboard.
There will also be followers, those who listen to the 'leader' and copy their actions.

This is a kid’s problem that happens very often.
We as adults cannot interfere with this problems. Even if we did the children will not understand.

The bully will not realize that bullying is a bad thing.
If we scold them for doing that, their hate towards to bullied will increase even more.
If we defend the bullied, you'll be treated as their enemy.
Even if we isolate them, it can’t be a long term solution.

The leader is usually the oldest and followers the younger ones.
The followers will not realize that they are following to do a bad thing; they are just doing what was taught to them by their older example.
Just that it is not very good one.
But if that happens through a long enough period, they will start thinking of their own ways of bullying without orders from the leader.

And the bullied, will not even realized they are being bullied.
As children, it is a torture to be excluded.
They just want to play and be inside the small circle they know.
(I am talking about normal kids under normal circumstances)

While these kids are still growing, we can only do our best to educate them to differentiate what is right, what is wrong.
And pray that they grow up to be sensitive to others and have a good personality and character.
God bless all the future generations.

It is very important for parents to spend quality time with their children when they are still young.
Because this is the time where you can teach them through the easiest way.
Parents can teach the right attitude through life.
Young children learn by observing, then copying, and finally turning it into their own actions.
Parents are an important example for their children, it is their easiest source to start learning.

Don't underestimate the learning power of the children.
They notices the smallest little things.
If you want your children to help others, show them a real life example of literally helping others.
Pick up stuff for passer-by if they drop something,
queue up properly,
give your seat to the elderly in the public transport.
This is something to be cultivated in the very early stages of life.

And I am really disgusted by what the media is doing to the kid's mind.
ok.. I know that happy tree friend and south park are cute.
but you don't let your children be glued to the TV all the time watching these genre of shows, or even the adult shows, soap operas, bloody and violent scenes...
unless you want your kid with a twisted personality or have a dark sense of humor,
I got nothing to say...


12:53 AM Photobucket
Tuesday, March 22, 2011Y

during the period when i when missing (from blogging)
i turned 19

in my 19 years of life,
i wondered how did i live...
God protected me very well as i grew up.
i never did any homework. not in primary or secondary school, not even in poly..
but i managed to pass somehow...
i don't really take care of my body... dun like to exercise.. always eating at weird timings.. always sleeping late... gets sick often but i'm still healthy...
never had to worry about finance.. though my family is not rich.. my parents dun really tell us much about money issues although they are always fighting over it.. but my dad always give us our pocket money..
i dun like to socialize, i was contended to just spent the day with myself reading a book from the library or manga, watching TV or anime... but i still had some awesome friends.
my parents always nagg at us, but i know they love us..
looking back now, i was protected really well...
even if there were any problems, i have my family and friends..
i am so very blessed, and he wants me to become a channel of blessing to the ppl around me..
i have yet to do my part
Thank god that he brought me into this world, and let me meet all this wonderful ppl.

5:39 AM Photobucket
Sunday, January 23, 2011Y

today is a very funny day

i woke up early =]
and did my work o0
isn'n it unbelievable?
haha... i shocked myself too...

but the thing is
i still am late for sch... lol
was halfway to the busstop...
then realised that i didnt get my notes....
went home and here i am..
end up not going for lecture...
still doin work...

T-T this is wrong!!!!

have some more work to do...
dun really noe where to start..

8:50 PM Photobucket